Welcome to the Ultimate Combat Arms Hacks official website!

This is the official website for the Ultimate Combat Arms Hack Pack, developed by Kevin [KL1054]. This website is ran by Penuel [PL1054]. Our hacks are 110% undetected by Nexon, becuase our hacks have a built-in anit-hack detection feature! Even if your hacks do stop working because of an update, we'll be sure to fix it ASAP! We promise that we will never derank, harm, or damage your account in any way!

Monday, November 24, 2008

OOOOoohhh!!! [Version 2.1 Problem]

I just realized why some hacks aren't working in the latest version 2.1 hack. It's because the bypass that I use for some of the hacks in the list require a different bypass...(which I didn't include). So in version 2.2 I'm going to offer a quick fix for that...

Happy hacking!


P.S. Greetz xxnomorexx and pipicaca1 welcome to the UCAH hack community.

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