Welcome to the Ultimate Combat Arms Hacks official website!

This is the official website for the Ultimate Combat Arms Hack Pack, developed by Kevin [KL1054]. This website is ran by Penuel [PL1054]. Our hacks are 110% undetected by Nexon, becuase our hacks have a built-in anit-hack detection feature! Even if your hacks do stop working because of an update, we'll be sure to fix it ASAP! We promise that we will never derank, harm, or damage your account in any way!

Friday, November 28, 2008


Hey all Combat Arms Hackers...here's a special announcement:
I'm selling a jailbroken iPod Touch on eBay for a price of $285. If you think this price is high, I don't blame you - but consider that it comes with a FREE charger (worth $20), a JAILBROKEN iPod Touch, and pre-installed applications!

So all who are reading this post, please at least LOOK at my product on eBay and maybe, if you are interested, please bid on my product!!! GREATLY appreciated if you did that!!

SPECIAL PRIZE TO ANYONE WHO BUYS THIS: If you prove that you have read this post and have bought my product from reading this post, then I will FOR FREE, GIVE YOU A COPY OF THE PROGRAM I USE TO MAKE MY COMBAT ARMS HACKS. This program is called Visual Basic 6 Enterprise and it costs $1000 USD. So keep this in mind if you are considering buying this - you pay $285 and you get $1000 back. I will include this program on a CD in the package you receive when you purchase my device. Instructions included.

MANY THANKS TO ANYONE WHO BUYS THIS. Email me for more information.


Thursday, November 27, 2008

Phucking Nexon! (11/26 patch)

Phucking Nexon is really retarded because they've made one of the biggest anti-hacking moves on the 11/26 patch (the one that introduces the merc packages and the 25% EXP thing). Apparently around the time the patch was out, Nexon made a copyright claim on ThisGameSux and MPGH (that means they sued them gah). That means good bye to the original Classic Hack Pack that was on the top of the list. Nexon also made a lot of other anti-hacking moves that prevents almost every site to make hacks that can bypass the HackShield's gayness. This could possibly put an end, also, to UCAH hacks because keep in mind we don't make our own hacks, we rely on other hack providers...and since TGS is going down (as well as MPGH) and other major hacking sites like The Sec. As of now there's nothing that we can do, we can't really continue our hack site unless the other hack sites come back to power.

If you want more information on what's going on be sure to send an email to PL1054 or KL1054.

EDIT: I found out TGS is making another public hack...lol


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

11/26 Patch to disable UCAH hacks?

As of now we're really not sure if the 11/26 patch will render our
hack completely useless. That means in version 2.5 (corrected from
2.2) will have to fix all of this. The speed of making the hack all
depends on the speed of the other hack providers to make their hacks.

TGS is down now due to a copyright claim by the Nexon retards. Until
their website is up and running, there's nothing we can do.

So we don't know if the patch will disable the hacks - but with a
working bypass it should work. More info on this in a future update


Monday, November 24, 2008

OOOOoohhh!!! [Version 2.1 Problem]

I just realized why some hacks aren't working in the latest version 2.1 hack. It's because the bypass that I use for some of the hacks in the list require a different bypass...(which I didn't include). So in version 2.2 I'm going to offer a quick fix for that...

Happy hacking!


P.S. Greetz xxnomorexx and pipicaca1 welcome to the UCAH hack community.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Version 2.1 Hack FAQ/Solves

I've received a lot of messages and emails with complaints that the new version 2.1 hack doesn't work because of some retarded error. The most common errors where a run time 5 and run time 53 error.


Q: When I open Combat Arms from the 'Run Combat Arms' command, the HackShield loads, but Combat Arms doesn't open up afterwards.
A: This is pretty common, just ignore it and run Combat Arms normally (not through the hack). That should do it.

Q: I get an error saying that the file was not found.
A: Most likely all the extra files for the program are not in the same folder as the application. The extra files are hidden, so make them unhidden, and make sure they're in the same folder.

Q: I enter the correct PRO key and name, but it brings up a window saying that the PRO key is correct and the PRO key is incorrect.
A: This is simply a bug, I have fixed it already. The fixed version will be out in 2.2. If both these windows show up, you have entered the CORRECT PRO key.

Q: They don't work.
A: My hack DOES have compatibility issues. It works the best on Vistas, and the least on XPs. Try opening the compatibility files, under File>Run Compatibility Files...

Q: I get a weird run time error, and it closes out the program.
A: No solve/fix yet, this is a rather retarded error. Most likely it's a compatibility issue.

Q: The Ultimate Combat Arms Hack Pack logo stays at the left corner and can't go away.
A: The logo was meant to stay on top. To close it, simply close the main hack window. Press the 'Close' button on the main hack window, and the logo should go away. Otherwise, refer to a future post for complete instructions.


I'm going to make all the extra files unhidden to avoid any weird run time errors. I will try to put an important notice text read me telling you to keep all the contents in one folder. There's nothing else I can do about it.


Friday, November 21, 2008

Version 2.1 Hack

Ultimate Combat Arms Hack Pack Version 2.1

The Version 2.1 hack is out yay. I thought I was gonna release it too late and the patch would come out right after - ugh. So I'm really happy.

NEW beta testing! Beta testing is the testing of a new hack that I made that hasn't been released yet. When I finish making the program, I send a copy of it to all my beta testers [EL1054, PL1054, NL1054] and they check for flaws and bugs and crap. Thanks to you all!! Yaaaaay


*Host-n-share link
**MediaFire link

By the way no more setup package. The setup was causing a lot of problems so I just packed it all into a normal load of files.

[---OTHER NEWS---]
New beta testers! See above for info.

300 website hits wooooohooo happy joy!

New hack versions should be able to come out sooner because I have a one week break. Yay.

Our hack is getting more and more popular...thanks to you all!!! Yaaay! I'm getting a crapload of emails from a whole ton of people! Thanks everyone!!


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Update [Nov. 18]

Here's an update of what's been going on lately since there's a lot.

Making 2.1 hack! Great success! TAKING AS MANY SUGGESTIONS AS I CAN SO PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT OR SEND ME AN EMAIL (kevinlin664@aol.com)

Found awesome new hack site to use as a source for my hacks. Awweeesssooommmeee....email me if you wanna know the website =)

I want everyone to know this information because some people have been pretty darn confused with this....let's use "1.5" as an example. In all of my hacks, there's a version number. the 1 in 1.5 is the major - this number goes up one every time there's a huge release. the 5 in 1.5 is the minor/revision - aka a minor release, like if there's a new patch. The second number goes up based on how big the revision is - say if it was only a minor update, the next version would be 1.6. If it was a pretty large update, the next version may be 1.8 or maybe 1.11. That's why the first version (1.0) skipped from 1.0 to 1.5. 2.0 was a major release, so the first number went up one.

Thank you to all those who use our hacks! We've gotten 180 website hits in the time period of two days! And also considering that our website isn't even that popular.

MY COMBAT ARMS SCREEN NAME IS NOT KL1054. KL1054 got banned. My Combat Arms screen name is SayWhat49543....add it if you want to.


Monday, November 17, 2008

Retarded screenshots (And other news...)

As you might know, at the side of our website has a little widget called "Screenshots". I set the slideshow to show pictures uploaded on the account cmbtarmzhax at PhotoBucket but the slideshow has been extremely retarded and the pictures aren't showing up. GAH!

Hopefully I can get the situation fixed soon. Otherwise, I'm just going to have to...*sniffle*...take off the slideshow widget.

Our website got 100 hits as of yesterday (Nov. 16) so PL1054 and I are real happy. Thanks to all those who viewed our website! (and voted in our poll)

KL1054 (me, yay) is currently working on the 2.1 hack. If we can finish it in time, it'll be up on the website next Saturday. Right now, we've got a crapload of stuff packed into it.

PL1054 is eating fish tonight! =D (random notice)

Happy hacking to you all...


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Version 2.0 Hack

Ultimate Combat Arms Hack Pack Version 2.0 (by KL1054)

Today, Saturday, November 15, is the scheduled release date for the Ultimate Combat Arms Hack Pack Version 2.0

Bad news...
After the hack was made, it worked and crap, but in mid-pre-release, Nexon released the retarded Sandhog patch, causing the hack to malfunction. That was extremely shitty, so even if you download this hack and try it, it will NOT work. At least I think it won't.

Although, I still recommend you download the hack because of the extremely large amount of updates and application features that were added. At least take a look.

Compatibility Files are included within the setup package, so there is no need to download a separate copy.

Will list updates and fixes in Version 2.1 since this hack version is malfunctioning.


Monday, November 10, 2008


Hi this is PL1054, if you are having any trouble with your hacks, just contact me on PL1054 in Combat Arms. Glad I can help! Have fun hacking.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Version 2.0 hack delayed!

In the next version of the Ultimate Combat Arms Hack Pack, version 2.0, has a LOT of new features and additions. This difficulty has delayed the release of the hack.

The hack is scheduled to be released on the main website on Saturday, November 8, 2008. The release date has been delayed to Saturday, November 15, 2008 or earlier.

Thank you for your patience.


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Version 1.5 Hack


This hack the second release (woo-hoo!) and KL1054's made a crapload of bug fixes. Other than that, some other features were added.

-Optional 'start hack process' option after using apply hacks
-3D map view hack (BETA)
-Speed hack
-Increase compatibility
-More bug solves (not all of them are listed in the program so email me for any other bug fix information)
-New PRO key values (email me for one)

Compatibility downloads available in next release!


Version 1.0 Hack

This is the Version 1.0 hack. It's the initial, beta release, so I guarentee you it will not work unless you're some computer genius that can fix crap like this.

Since this is a hack of the past, there won't be much information about it.

At this point, all hacks are manual extract and run hacks. Setup packages may be developed for future hacks.


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Logo Preview

Ok, so KL1054's made the logo for the Ultimate Combat Arms Hacks. A total of three logos were made: our main logo to appear wherever, a logo for screenshots to mark that it belongs to us, and an in-game logo. All of these two logos were made in Adobe After Effects. Here's what our logo will look like in future pictures, screenshots, etc.

Normal logo:

Screenshot logo:

In-game logo:

Yes, you might've realized our logos were based on crosshairs.


Monday, November 3, 2008

Still building website...

We're still building our website and we're almost done. Well not really.

Kl1054's added some stuff already and there's going to be even more.

-Header picture (looks kinda off position)
-Music (Slipknot - Wait and Bleed)
-Contact Info
-Crediting (bottom of page)

Working on...
-Screenshots (for posts and slideshow)
-New post ideas
-New website ideas

-More features
-Hack downloads
-External links
-New posts with screenshots and other goodies
-Background (if we can find out how to add one)
-Many more goodies! =)

Be expecting more!

Under maintenance.

We're still building up our new website. Be expecting style changes, new posts, etc.

This Combat Arms hack site is ran by...
-Penuel [PL1054]
-Kevin [KL1054]

EDIT: Adding...
-Header picture
-Hacking screenshots
-Hack pack download links
-New posts
-Ultimate Combat Arms Hacks custom logo
-And more..! =)