Welcome to the Ultimate Combat Arms Hacks official website!

This is the official website for the Ultimate Combat Arms Hack Pack, developed by Kevin [KL1054]. This website is ran by Penuel [PL1054]. Our hacks are 110% undetected by Nexon, becuase our hacks have a built-in anit-hack detection feature! Even if your hacks do stop working because of an update, we'll be sure to fix it ASAP! We promise that we will never derank, harm, or damage your account in any way!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Retarded screenshots (And other news...)

As you might know, at the side of our website has a little widget called "Screenshots". I set the slideshow to show pictures uploaded on the account cmbtarmzhax at PhotoBucket but the slideshow has been extremely retarded and the pictures aren't showing up. GAH!

Hopefully I can get the situation fixed soon. Otherwise, I'm just going to have to...*sniffle*...take off the slideshow widget.

Our website got 100 hits as of yesterday (Nov. 16) so PL1054 and I are real happy. Thanks to all those who viewed our website! (and voted in our poll)

KL1054 (me, yay) is currently working on the 2.1 hack. If we can finish it in time, it'll be up on the website next Saturday. Right now, we've got a crapload of stuff packed into it.

PL1054 is eating fish tonight! =D (random notice)

Happy hacking to you all...


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